Querying and Setting the Tempo

To retrieve the tempo of a sequence, use the MCI_STATUSCTUPE8 command and set the dwItem member of the MCI_STATUS_PARMS8BMTE5 structure to MCI_SEQ_STATUS_TEMPO. If the MCI_STATUS command is successful, the dwReturn member of the MCI_STATUS_PARMS structure contains the current tempo.

To change tempo, use the MCI_SETBO5DNC command with the MCI_SEQ_SET_PARMS124CQRR structure, specifying the MCI_SEQ_SET_TEMPO flag and setting the dwTempo member of the structure to the desired tempo.

The way tempo is represented depends on the division type of the sequence. If the division type is PPQN, the tempo is represented in beats per minute. If the division type is one of the SMPTE division types, the tempo is represented in frames per second. For information about determining the division type of a sequence, see Retrieving the Sequence Division TypeHULKK6.